A hotel dedicated to contemporary design

Tu dors ? <i>/Are you sleeping?</i>

Tu dors ? /Are you sleeping?

02.06 au 08.09.23 — Drawing Hall

For the exhibition tu dors? the Drawing House, an art hotel in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, invited student artists from the École d'Art de Montreuil to work on the theme of sleep. 14 of them, working as a collective, took up the challenge and made the subject their own. Accompanied by teachers from the École d'Art and the Drawing Society's director of artistic projects, they designed the entire tu dors? exhibition, from the production of the works to communications, including the scenography and publication of a catalogue. This project is part of the École d'Art's "hors-les-murs" (outside the walls) teaching programme, an essential element that enables postgraduate students to experience the conditions under which contemporary artists create in the real world. The Instagram account @tudors.expo shows the creative process behind this group exhibition in a hotel.

Exposed artists :

Leïla Aït Mekourta
Alycia Bouvier 
Margaux Brière De La Chenelière
Iris Cabos
Tina Civelli
Iman Croisy 
Ystep Erbma
Orlane Gaud
Alexandre Guillamet
Clara Kaminka
Roxan Le Metayer
Adria Maalem
Céleste Schwartz 
Névée Van Wersch

+33 (0)1 89 89 27 27 info@drawinghouse.com
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